Monday, December 22, 2008

Red Over Gold Over Red Over Gold

When it comes to weekdays, school work strikes my mind. There are two categories that people fall into. The type who wakes up in the morning and goes "shit I've got to fucking go to bloody work" and then never stops complaining with details about the parking lot, colleagues and bosses, to even toilet doors... Most people feel this way about their work. Or at least, that's the impression I get.

Unsurprisingly, there are also people who love their job. Like me. I used to be in the first category and its as sad as sad sex (please don't judge me by saying this; I am a girl with Catholic Guilt Syndrome ok) but today, and in fact, for the past 3 days, I opened my eyes to my screeching alarm and felt like I don't fall into any of these categories.

But when I arrived at work; which is a studio in a MALL. A freaking shopping MALL! And mind you it's not some dodgy puny malls! I felt like it's almost heaven everyday. Another plus point would be that the gym that I join (Celebrity Fitness that is) is IN 1 Utama. Ain't that miraculous!?

And when you come in to work with speed lighting Wi-Fi connection, (which just boosts up your mood), you also get to see scenes like this!

Fresh pictures from my pink camera taken TODAY!

I'm sorry I'm not boasting but I just feel so blessed.


Maybe it's the White Christmas Magic!

Speaking about Christmas, my job last Friday was to set up a whole bloody Christmas tree on my own. ON MY OWN. Alone. Yes. Me, alone. Myself.

I've never set my hands to even touch one (cuz we don't do that ritual back at home and when I go to malls Mummy always says "Don't touch those decorations or they will fall down / break and we'll have to bayar ganti rugi and its very expensive!") so yes, I've never touched a Christmas tree, or I could have forgotten, until last Friday...

Time to receive order: 6.30 PM Thursday.
Dead line to finish Christmas tree: 4 PM Friday wtf

I could actually work on it during the weekends, but because I'm going to the Nuffnang X'mas Party @ Singapore, I guess I'll have to Superwomanized myself.

MISSION: To set up a RED Christmas tree like THIS.

Budget for RED Christmas?: 1000 bucks.

So I got a whole (Jusco) trolley FULL of glitters and stars, bubbles, golden snowflakes, and not to forget, 27 rolls of ribbons. O.o!? What the fuck. You think I know how to use them? Well, hahaha... We'll see.

During the process of "building" a X'mas tree. I almost felt like dying doing it alone. Carrying, pasanging, opening, then the falling!!! Literally, the tree FELL. on. me. okay. So damn tragic!

But finally, here it is folks! :

Not too bad huh?

However, a husband and wife commented that the tree is too blend / bold / empty.

So I went to buy MORE stuff! :DDD It's so much fun spending without using your own money. LOL!!!

Second round @ Living Quarters 1U.

Bubbles Bubbles Bubblesssss! Me very LIKEY the word Bubbles!


Jade Z even added her own "ideas". (to prove that I wasn't "plagiarizing" the first Christmas tree I showed you)

1. A Santa HAT @ the top of the tree (because they ran out of stars and white Barbie angels are so unreasonably EXPENSIVE; see I'm so good I help my company to budget. =P

2. Cute red STOCKINGS; who knows they might be filled with gifts from Santa on Christmas Day?

Guess I'm forever child-like. ))))):

So last and not least, here I present you: ***A RED Christmas tree!***

View of tree from outside the studio.

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Early Christmas, everybody!!!

p/s: I'm so happy to realized that I can actually set-up a whole Christmas tree on my own! Even for the first time~ Gimme credits, man!