a piece of pinkish colored plasma falls erroneously on my new gray sweater . the protoplasm swells lusciously on my favorite textile in such a lush and mellow way . i stared at her ; speechless . i can't possibly blame her for her careless tumble when i badly wanted to . i gently pick her up , and slowly place her back into where she belongs ; my mouth .
the dewy taste , the condensation , the deliquescence - i can feel the crystallization in my mouth and the juice distilling my whole body . a clear mist . invigorating . the crisp texture . exhilarating . isn't this a rainfall sensation ? when you go somewhere with a love one , not yours yet , he holds your hands and the both of you run across the grass and busy roads instead of taking a cab or hassling with umbrellas into his car . the story then starts from there ; even if it doesn't , the tale is there for only you to be kept .
there are times where that shtick could happen to me , but i am always paranoid about how smudged my mascara and eye liner would be or how would i look like with my wet fringe sticking on my forehead after that episode . well that's actually the point of the game but i still don't like it , really .
this is just a story of a girl eating half a watermelon on her pink cotton bassinet . with her faithful roseate toy puppy and pop music by A1 and 911 looping again and again . she violently scoops the flesh from the emerald peel which makes her ten fingers and right palm sticky . so is her keyboard now . she then thought it would be better if she'd just bury her mouth AND face IN the watermelon to wallow in a paradisaical and heavenly watermelony journey instead .
there she goes . there she goes . yes , yes . into that journey . for the very first time .
how did you feel ? asked the watermelon .
she said , this is miraculous ! but i think i have to go now . perhaps this sojourn is wayyy too sticky and its WINTER !!!
not a time to play tropical juice games ~!@#$%^&* Ha-Ha-Ha !!!
that girl is me . that girl is . that girl . that
This is actually suppose to be an entry about my trip to Melbourne ! Guess the watermelon beside my bed just carried me away to Hawaii ~ LOL !!!
Alright , i really did that and it was GROSSS ! don't try this at home . Am off to take a bath !
OK ! Back .
Day ONE .
Stop One : The Airport
A super-duper PERFECT day for flying . - the happy bright sun , the very blue sky , the fluffy clouds , a dainty delighted me !
In The Plane
somewhere over the window ...
~ We fly Fly FLY !!! ~
an apek sitting in front of us
... almost there ... !!!!!
Landed !
Stop Two : The Mall
The first destination was the mall . Call what dy ? i can't remember . *ARGH* i should have blogged about this earlier !
But anyway , Richard , an architecture student asked me to take a picture of this ! He said its a must if i'd been here . ha ha ha !
Nice ? Quite special lahh , rite ?
Some cakes and puddings and tarts selling below that ... *yum yum!!!*
But i didn't get to buy them . Which i SO badlyyy wanted ...
Night fell too soon . It's dinner time already and i hadn't even finished WINDOW SHOPPING !!!
On the way to the dining place , someone got "sick" on the train and we had to wait for about 20 freaking minutes . Waste time. Packed like sardines . Thank god i was not the next sick person .
Enough of the grumbling ! i realized i'd been expostulating too much and its just the FIRST day . & a good reason to stop ? I found THIS ! :
REMEMBER ??? !!! awww ... they were, still, and will always be one of my FAVS ~
The old man from China who owns the shop smiled at my choice among all his snacks and asked :
" 是不是很怀念小时候坐在火车里吃的这个小球球呀 ? "
Awww !!! What a nice thought ~ His modest folksy sentence provoked my thoughts . How i wish i could buy those earlier and munch on them while waiting in the damn train !
OK , Jado ! Stop complaining !
Stop Three : The Hot Pot House
In waiting : Jade Z. , Felix the Cat , Garfield the Cat . hahax !!
E.A.T. !!! chionggg arrrrr ~~~~~ !!!!!
We hungry beasts devouring and sloshing down heaps of meats into our bellies ~ !
In the end , everyone got very , very full and Garfield went to pang sai half-way through the steam boat ride . LOL !
The good thing about this place : The HOT is kao HOT .
The not-so-good thing about it : The hot soup tastes like Maggie curry . -___-"
Day TWO .
Stop One : The City Streets
another sunny day for the sunny gurl !!!
Somewhere in the city ?
Lunch time !
Stop Two : Mekong
Where original Vietnam rice noodle soup is sold
Bill Clinton had TWO bowls of this . how many can you have ? (:
ME and my MEkong beef balls ~ hehehe !
#Group pic 1
Stop Three : QV ( shopping centre )
I just HAD TO take a picture sitting on this sexy bum couch for two !
cam whore ~
cam whore again ~
Stop Four : Suga Candy Store
Picturesque eh ? (:
Amazingly chromatic sweets & candies !!!
The Making Of
Just look at this making of !!! Doesn't it reminds you of Barbie's HAIR ?!?!?!
shop Shop SHOP-ping just makes you hungry you just feel like hop-PING ~
Geez, does my attempt to rhyme makes sense ? Don't care !
Stop Five : A Japanese Restaurant
Me & my foodie ~ hehe !
Stop Six : Krispy Kreme
ahhh ! Inilah yang dinanti-nantikan !!!
donuts donuts and MORE heavenly donuts !!!
Stop Seven : Break Dances On City Streets !
We were quite lucky to bump into these astounding performances by young dancers of Melb !
& i managed to take a picture with them without having to pay ~ kekeke !
Stop Eight : Cafe L'incontro
Got too tired we stopped by at this cafe for a rest .
p / s : my two darling "cats" accompanied me shopping the WHOLE daeeeee... so kesian ~
*** The orange juice allegorY ***
PeeK - A - BoO !!! CAM WHORE !
HA HA HA !!! Jangkit JANGKIT !!! Kita mesti berwaspada .
The kids who couldn't understand what cam whore is and why are there people taking pictures of themselves .
Garfield went " Oo ok " ( pang sai ) again . -_____-"
Apparently, he had THREE mugs of chocolate drink in ONE evening while waiting for me to shop . I feel so bad !!! sorry garfield ! * sek sek your stomach la k ~ *
A moonstruck man trying to be Michael Jackson in an astronaut's costume .
sweat ! but at least he said hi to me ~ LOL !
Stop Nine : China Town
@ night ...
one of those pink shops ~
Stop Ten : HK Snack Shop
* ka li yu tan *
* egg & custard pyramid *
Stop Eleven : Pau Shop
* da bao *
* lo mai kai *
Stop Twelve : Federation Square ( the pub )
~ a splash of lemon vodka ~
! the Cat & the Leopard ! mua ha ha ! the two Scorpios actually ~
Back to the back packers . Check Garfield out ! :
kekeke !
somewhere @ the city ...
Stop One : Dim Sum Restaurant @ China Town
My lucky color today is : BLUE !
Joanne & Me & the sotongs ...
... Winson & Han Wei & the sotongs
# Group Pic 2
Century Egg Porridge !!! YUM YUM GALORE !!!
some sort of snort we divided cuz we couldn't finish it ?
*** MY MANGO PUDDING !!! *** omg omg omg !!!
Sorry it's a picture of the-after-meal . i guess the dim sums just come and go too quickly ... We are all hungry bastards ! LOL !
Stop Two : The ... City ???
Jade , Joanne , Han Wei , Jeffrey ( Garfield is not his real name laa .. hahaha ! )
Double J ss ! : Jade & Jay
some classy curvy sculpture ~ ?
~ we are all Dreamers ~
cindy loves u ! * muaks muakkks ~ *
We actually get to SEE them painting the floor , instead of just their paintings as usual ~
Stop Three : Melbourne Aquarium
i hate this . i really . But i still feel that i need to post them up .
The reason why i hate this part of the post is because it's too creature-istic . Scary ones ...
Like :
how UGLY is THAT ?!
Stuuupid huge gigantic CRAB !
Alien #1
Alien #2
Alien #3
Alien #4 !
WHAT are those thingssss ?!?!?!?! EWWW !!!!
A Glow-In-The-Dark Scorpion .
i admire these baby scorpions just because i'm a Scorpio . Or i wouldn't !
Things got better a lil ... :
some kind of leafy fish ~ !
~ sea horse ~
* Nemo *
& his so called "Friends " ~
Here comes another stupid Fish ~
& a beautiful PINK coral ~ This one i like !
Picturesque Starfishes !!!!!
An upside down starfishy . HehehE ! i asked Han Wei to make it terbalik ~
Now . Guess what is THIS ?! :
The Answer Is ...
*drum rolls*
An Egg !
A girl playing with the egg . so brave wan . i screamed when i had to touch it . -___-"
Here is my favorite part . JELLY FISH !!!
I suppose everyone adores them ~
This is special . They are called the "Upside Down Jellyfish " .
This time i didn't ask Han Wei to terbalik them k~
Things got scary again in this fishy trip ! i'm very scare now . Feel like asking my housemates to scroll down and type for me . heh ~
See the background of me in this shot ? Can you see a FISH there ? A BIGGGGG FISH ?!
It's actually THIS BIG ! & FUGLY !!!
Poor fish , i didn't mean to humiliate or disrespect your ability to live that long , but ...
then these living things want mates !!!
long neck turtles making love . -_____-" damn gross !
really beh ta han dy !!!!! !!!!! ERROR ERROR !!!!!
here comes the SCARIEST part for ME !!!
The TWO Best Mates - The HUGE FUGLY FISH & ... AND ...
i don't even want to talk about it . Thank GOD i'm wearing my specs today and all i have to do is take them off while i scroll down ! MUA HA HA HA !!! How SMUART !
The control room , i guess . to control fishes ?
The divers who tak takut mati go inside hau lian lahhh ~ Visitors want oso can geh , pay loh . i think around 60 - 90 dollars only . FREE i oso DON'T WANT !
Han Wei & Joanne
Stop Four : Some Random Artistic Building ~
i love the landscape of this picture very much ! more than words ! what do you think ? (:
Stop Five : The 360 degrees Deck
Look at the circles on the ground of that picture . Trust me , no one can take that effect anymore except for ~ : M-E ! Hahaha ! Don't believe , you can go try .
^^^ Crown Casino ! ^^^ Spot the Crown !
#Group Pic 3
* standing in the midst of a phosphorescent metropolis *
Make your own Souvenir Coins !
- put a two dollar coin into this machine and it will turn your coin into a crafted souvenir coin !
Han Wei is our Jay Chou in this community group ~ hahax !
Stop Six : Crown Casino
My dinner !
Tomato Rice & Rendang !!!
* shites ~ * makes me hungry now !
* Cheese Cake Gallery !!!!! *
Raspberry Cheesecake ...
Banana Cheesecake ...
& a mug of Hot Choc !
there she goes again ~
In da' casino !
# Group Pic 4
Day FOUR .
Stop One : Roast Duck Stall
Felix took me to this place to savor a good ol' plate of roast duck wantan mee !!! Thanks Felix !
He also brought me to ... ! :
Stop Two : Max Brenner !!!!!
This is so peculiar to me -
- I just had to take another shot !
putting the chocolate drops in ... as they evanescent into the steaming vanilla milk ...
chocolate mousse fondue !
Belgium pancake with strawberry & ice-cream !!!
Jesus ! I really want ALL of that N.O.W !!!
Stop Three : Gelato Ice - Cream @ Lygon Street !
* Li Jun & I in front of the gelato parlor *
Roche' Flava' Gelato !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop Four : Hush Bar - Asian Night !
***** imma lil' blue fairy ~ *****

striding on the
my FAV liquor drink : Jam Donut ! cute name eh ?
p / s : thanks to Eric & Michie for the kai siu !
Michelle - Jade Z. - Felix - smokeyyhhh ~ hahaha !
*** with the gurls ~ ***
Felix & Michelle
Me with one of my Meows ~ * HAHAHA! *
Jade & sweetie pie Ralph : Hey , where's Lauren ?! hahax !!!
Asian Night Shot #1 : Taiwan
Asian Night Shot #2 : China
Asian Night Shot #3 : China + Vietnam / Laos ?
Asian Night Shot # 4 : Japan / Korea
Asian Night Shot #5 : Malaysia
While we were dancing , i was surrounded by all those guys from Taiwan , China , Laos / Kemboja where ever that is . Then this Laos guy kept wanting to selit in the space where I was dancing with the China group . As a result ? He accidentally poked his finger into the China guy's eyes while dancing !!!!! @.@
The China guy whose eyes got poked gathered all his friends while the Laos guys pretended as if nothing happened and left the scene with HIS gang a.s.a.p . Thank God he left fast or a fight might have occurred ! I was so fucking scared , Ok !
But then the eye poker came back to the dance floor again later in the night . Really tak takut mati . =.= "
Oh well ~ .
Eric ; the organizer & I
p / s : i really SHOULD have a shot of Eric and Michelle in HERE ! They are such a sweet couple togetha' how can i miss it ! but i don't have laa ~ duno why .
Stop Five : Chili Padi
Supper Time lah ! What else ?!
* he mi * how to spell arh ? mee udang . - damn kao delicious !
ROTI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wah laU ! We miss ROTI !!!!! We WANT RO TI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My fourth day @ Melbourne was accompanied by Felix & i had a pleasant voluminous day ! Without Felix San I wouldn't get to club @ Melb dy ~ Or go to Max Brenner ~ Or even have delicious wantan mee AND a mamaky supper !!!
Day FIVE .
i woke up at 1 p.m. and was ready to go out only at 3 p.m. ( slept at 6 a.m. marrr )
and so my first meal of the day was :
Tau Fu Fah !
fuu yoh ! i like !
Stop One : Dessert House
Felix had this :
Honey Dew Tau Fu Fah
You wouldn't want to know mine ... It's something i ate today . HAHAHAH !!!
I love it as much as I love myself ! LOL !
Stop Two : Mercadante Italian Restaurant @ Lygon Street
THIS taukeh ; ask him take picture of us , he go take picture of himself ~ =.=
Group pic #5
Our Pan Pizza Planet !
1. the explaination of pastas
2. butter , salmon
3. sun-dried tomatoes , basil , vegetables
4. potatoes , meat , beans
5. Garfield's risotto (:
The HUGE RED Pepper Spray ?!@#$%^&*
Now .
Another Same Old Hot Chocolate Story You Think ???
And so Da tou ordered hot chocolate . This is what came out :
Nice rite ?
Oh kayyy ~
But then , see THIS ! :
The fucking mug is upside down !!!!! HAHAHA !!!
Oh well , well ~ he had his REAL Hot Chocolate anyway ~
& he's enjoying it VERY much ~
But just as we thought the story is OVER , here comes another trick by the taukeh .
This man here discovered that I had the loudest and screechiest voice here . & so he offered me a ... whats that called ? you know that alcohol thingy drink you have to lit up with flame before drinking it ? ARGH ~ WHAT'S THAT CALLED ?!?!?!
Anyway , he said he's gonna give me the very small cup there of THAT to drink , as you can see in the picture below :
Everyone started to take out their handphone lah , camera lah , video cam lah , to shoot him demonstrate . But mana tau niamah he tricked us by lighting up the lighter IN the tiny cup and flipped it upside down ; as fast as lightning . Then my eyes kena illusi optik which leads to tindakan refleks ... then i mar SCREAMMMEDDD lohhh ... i thought steaming coffee or liquor whatever it is would spill on Joanne mah ~ >.<
As a result , now in everyone's gadgets , instead of having his "magic" show , they have a farce of me screaming . SWT !
Then the happy boss gave me a mug of hot chocolate . Familiar ? hahaha !
Then the same thing happened : Look @ my teaspoon ! Nah , see ? Its above the mug . *@.@*
As we were fooling around chit chatting our time over dinner , the boss came over to borrow my pinky camera . he ensured that he will return it safe and with a secret i can't show to anyone on my table . & he hilariously did this :
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haih aih ~ notti boss ! but WE STILL LOVE YOU !!!
Stop Three : Gelato Ice - Cream @ Lygon Street ( AGAIN! )
Told ya I'll come back ! A HaH ! I ALWAYS get what I want ! blek...
Try different flavors ...
... & bring different people come mah ~
*~* Da Tou & Xiao Yu *~*
Stop Four : Ice Bar
But its CLOSED when we reached there . So here's only a picture from the outside . -_____-"
A random picture of an artwork from the Alice In Wonderland tale in a book .
Stop Five : Karaoke
Group Pic #6
Got back @ around 3 a.m. Tired . @.@
Day Six .
Stop One : Federation Square
Floating "jelly fish" above my head ~ !
I was just trying to pose like the two yellow-green balloon people behind there ! SEE ?! Their hands ~
Duno what big fake piala is this ~
i should really know what i'm seeing and where i'm going !
Stop Two : From the Train Station to the Korean Restaurant
Group Pic #7
This place sells the BEST Korean Food eva ! Even better than those @ Korea . Trust me , i've been to Korea twice ! But i don't know how to explain this shop's location to you ..... SORRY !!!
Stop Three : Melbourne Central ; KoKo Black !!!!!
I personally think that Koko Black's drinks are MUCH MUCH better than Max's , while Max has more choices of desserts and chocolate delicacies compared to Koko Black which only offers chocolates . So it depends on whether you want to yum cha , or have high tea .
( d'rather view it this way rather than a "pro & con thing ~ cuz i greedily love BOTH !!! )
p / s : Should really thank Felix again . Or i'll NEVER have tried KOKO BLACK even after staying @ Melbourne for a week ! , & ALSO for introducing me to a good friend : Li Jun ! (:*
Besides KoKo BLACK , we ALSO have KoKo BROWN !
You see , not ALL toilets @ OZ is clean . This toilet is the one in Melbourne Central , mind you ~!
I forced everyone to see this pic . HAHAHA! & they all wanted to either :
1. Run away from my camera ,
2. Puke !
LOLX ! Bad me !
Stop Four : Untitled
* A night time view of Melb city *
cheh wah ~ macam artiste baru turun dari kapal terbang dengan manager dan producer jerrk ~
Nan conteng-ing the wall of a narrow lift while we search for a club to party on the last night .
Trying to act samseng ~ LOL !!!
Stop One : Get Richard's NEW car
Got it and now in front of a grocery store ~
Stop Two : The 2ND Japanese Restaurant
Stop Three : Ferris Wheel Ride ~!
Richard asked me to take this picture of the tram as it looked very much like the backdrop of my previous blog skin that time . lol ~
Purple & Yellow
Somehow the color of my clothes matched the color of the Ferris !!! Exactly !
~*~ Richard & I on a Ferris Wheel ~*~
My funny sexy back-side look ~
My last shot with my feet on the mainland ground ~~~ !!!
Now she's in the car ; feet off !
Stop Four : Spirit of Tasmania Port
a HOLE in the SKY !!!
The Cruise

Da' 2 Scorpios again ~
We waited from day to night just to get the car into the cruise . Waiting is the most aweary thing to do ...
Finally we got in !!!
Can you spot me ? HAHAHAHA !!! too picturesque ~
Parents can let their children play here ~ but no one did .
The tiny twinkle twinkle lil stars above the ceiling .
They REALLY twinkled !!! If only i have those above my room ceiling ... ~
The casino in da' cruise
~ Dining area ~

* Jade Z. & Richd. *
I helped Felix took one too ! =D
1. Tasmanian Salmon
2. Tasmanian Oysters
3. Tasmanian Garden Vegetable Salad
4. Tasmania Garden Vegetable Soup
5. Tasmanian Lamb Chop =.=
6. How about a Tasmanian BONE ?!
The seats ~
My eXXXtra tired lOOk ! Can see rite ? @.@
The deck upstairs ~
*~* The LiL' Mermaid waiting for Popeye the Sailor Man *~* hahaha !
We finally reached Tasmania -Devon Port .
Day EIGHT . ( LAST Day )
Stop One : House of Anvers - The Chocolate Tasting Centre
Moulds used to make chocolates wayyy back time ~
Fresh Chocos !!!!!
cakes Cakes & morE CAKES !!!

# Art & Chocolate #

Anver House's Chocolate Drink Specialities !!!
My chocolate Nutella-tic croissaints
Richd.'s early toast breakfast ~
Felix ordered the same thing as mine and even helped me ate mine . -__________-"
Stop Two : Ashgrove Cheese Centre ( LAST Stop )
How sexy these cheese packages were !
To any of you who hasn't and wants to go there , DO at least drop by ALL the places above ! You won't regret it !!!
p / s : Try the egg tart @ China Town .
p p /s : The amount I spent on my Melbourne trip is 1500 dollars .
HA - HA - HA ! ! ! WHO guessed it right ? Tell me TELL ME !!! I REALLY wanna know who so SMUART !!!