Saturday, June 9, 2007

Blood & Chocolate = Period & Shit ?

Blood & Chocolate = Period & Shit ?

Guess what, I've found the BEST lap top in the world. Not apple, not acer, not whatever it is, it's called "Diamond Creek"!

Never heard of? Well...

SEE Below???!!!

It's a lap top with MANY types of CHOCOLATESSS in it!!! *=D

Well, it opens up like a lappy; with a metal thing as the "lock" for the "screen". When it's opened, you see 8 different kinds of dark chocolate delicacies!!! :

Oranje, Wildberry, Cappuccino, Honeycomb Crisp, Sweet Seville, Hazelnut Praline, Limon, & Mocha Delight.

The Diamond Creek Chocolate Company is Australian owned and operated. It is originated in a small hardworking rural community North East of Melbourne. Over many years the surrounding area has supplied fresh quality produce to Melbourne's finest hotels and restaurants. The community continues to thrive with its rural charm and character of yesteryear. Diamond Creek Chocolate Company uses the world's finest ingredients to bring an indulgent selection of milk and dark chocolates to its consumers.

Now, that's one. Second, are the pancakes I made AGAIN! *huah huah huah~!*
Irene & Bb said the SAME thing! ; that I can open a shop already. LOL!

Third leh~ are some delicacies I found here at OZ.

This one below is my FAV pastry! It's some kind of lemon & custard tart with cream cheese topped with icing sugar, & I heart it lotSSS~!!!

Hedgehog !!! -Chocolate cake-like Hedgehog with cookieSSS in it! This piece of delicacy is not those cushiony, doughy texture kueh, but a more dense, solid and massed chocolate mixture. *yum yum!*

Due to so much chocolaty issue, I decided to be a chocolate MYSELF.

Moving on... This entry will get vainer & VainER... Don't say I DIDN'T WARN YOU!!!

I went to Coles and bought 8 packets of Tim Tams, and then added another 2 the next day.

Here they are..., my babies !!!!!

(Double Chocolate & Raspberry, Chocolate MUD, DOUBLE Coat, Original ones, and I added CARAMEL ones later on!!!)

(y) X2 !!!

ARNOTT'S!!! I'm launching it @ Coles~ What to do?

Ice creams section !!!!! I really got *high* to see so many different types of ICE CREAMS here that Malaysia might not have~

Back @ home : Cam whoring as "Face for Tim Tam girl Star Search Winner!!!"

The Original Tim Tams !

Tim Tam Love Portions : Raspberry & DARK Chocolate Selection. Malaysia got onot?

My own cam whoring session...

You can skip this if you want...


But I know you won't...

Cause it is ONLY either







& In the end, we have 4our turtle doves with red necks !?

Which are EITHER cute, OR geli.


It's the Bird Flu ! , REMEMBER ???

I was standing like 2 meters away and using zoom, ok! Better appreciate that picture I tell you~

LOL! CiaoZ~

See you in the next entry ...


I'm going to blog again.