Thursday, February 26, 2009

Purple, my Color of Love.

How did you celebrate Valentine's day? I celebrated mine groove-ily in the colour of purple.

Purple eye shadow, purple and yellow floral dress, purple and yellow gem starfish pendant to accessorize, purple leather handbag from Melbourne, lovely purple 6 inches heels.....

Just to match the Perfect Match icon; Mr Berry and Miss Lemon from the most loved popular drink ever - RIBENA!

I believe Ribena is, or at least at one point, EVERY kids favorite drink. As a kid, I grew up drinking Ribena. Who didn't!? Especially on a hot day, this thirst quenching drink is the ultimate choice any parents could give their child.

It's rich in Vitamin C with blackcurrant juice (there're NO artificial flavor, coloring, or sweetener in Ribena), non gassy, and is NOW 25% less sugar with a twist of lemon!

A historical occasion of The BIGGEST Ribena Purple Heart unveiled on Valentine's Day!

This is Jeremy Teo, and his sweet, lovely Korean-looking sister, Trisha:

Starting from as early as 10 a.m, we have been snapping copious photos with the picturesque gigantic Ribena Purple Heart made of more than 30,000 Ribena bottle caps by the adorable Berry mascot!


So there it was, a whole crowd of people waiting for the grand unveiling of the Ribena Purple Heart. Everybody was there. Bloggers, people from the press, the aunties and uncles who came to kaypoh... and of course, yours truly. Then it happened! The Ribena Purple Heart was shown to all of us. Berry and Lemon were there and they acted all so lovey-dovey for the event. It was very Valentine-y.

But that was not all! Berry and Lemon decided to go on a date to the movies, and they invited ALL of us.

Trisha and I enjoying our FREE Ribena drinks ahhh sooo sedappp~! ;D

Love was all around throughout the day. This purple event covered all the elements of a perfect date such as :

The Ribena Dance Challenge; which captured the hearts of many children,

Ribena Perfect Match Dice Game where I noticed a lot of adults took part in to win attractive prizes,

Activities and games for both parents and their kids,

A booth that sold Ribena. I bought three!

And please do check out this baby who just simply couldn't get enough of RIBENA! :

1. Mummy was feeding Baby some Ribena,

2. She checked to see if Baby likes to taste berrylicious~

3. Lo and Behold Baby couldn't get enough of it!!! She grabbed the paper cup from Mummy and started to suck the base of the cup... LOL sooo cute!

Now here is the boy and girl who kept going back to the Ribena booth to refill their cups.

Besides meeting Berry and Lemon, they also got to meet up with Sunway Pyramid's lion mascot.

See the girl's cup became empty AGAIN? I could have sworn by the lemon she begged her mum to teman her refill her cup but her mother pai seh liau...

Jeremy himself had three! (haha no la it was mine and Trisha's as well) but he actually had TWO okay~

At around 4 p.m, we went back satisfied with a hint of berry-feeling lingering in our hearts.


Would you marry berry me??? (,")(",)*