Not swollen balls.
Ginger party, the charming custom celebrating a baby's birthday!
It was Julian's birthday at the beginning of the Taurus month. What you see laid on this table was ALL prepared, cooked, baked, and made by my Super Mom!
Read this to trust it. Here we goooO~!BUT I THINK MY MUM IS THE SUPERMOM !!!!!!!!!!
Let's start with the acar.
You might think that these cucumbers are soft and soggy but no! They are very plum and crunchy cucumbers. Only counted 10 chillies? Don't get cheated. These cucumber stripes are real magic tongue-burners!!!
Perhaps you won't believe how some common, average looking pickles can taste so special. But they are seriously the best I've ever tasted (cuz actually to make acar got secret & petua one!), especially when it goes together with mom's Nasi Hujan Panas.
This colourful gala rice is so fragrant and memorable.
Oh look! It comes together with the Ayam Rendang TOK, acar nenas, cucumber jeruk, and the SAMBAL! Cannot miss out the sambal okay~ *slurpsss
This is a different thing. This is Nasi Kunyit. I can't compare which is more distinct or distinguished but what I really know is it solely depends on your own taste preference.
Char Hokkien Mee with Baby Heh (Prawns)! One word - TASTY.
Laksa Johor got eggs one. Laksa KT cannot have eggs. If not the Terengganu-ians will throw eggs at you lorh.
Speaking about KT, this is mom's marked and notable KT Ngoyok (rojak betik).
There's also another type of Rojak Betik - SOMTAM!
Remember my PPKP post of Perlis? My mom just had to taste it, and now we have the EXACT same SOMTAM from all-da-way from Perlis! =DDD
Add in the secret ingredient - yellow somtam sugar.
And pound it with damn kaolat juiii chili padi berbagai spesis.
So we have Nasi Hujan Panas with Ayam Rendang Tok, Nasi Kunyit, The Acar Families, Hokkien mee, Laksa Johor, Rojak Betik, Somtam... Can you imagine??? Ask us to come out with one sambal also might pengsan.
*Jeng Jeng Jeng~* Here comes dessert and kuih-muih section!Pure Red Bean soup. Why is this special? Sorry naik lorry got secret also lah... Cannot tell you.
It is about the beans' texture... They don't drop their skins like kacang lupakan kulit, still sebiji-sebijik, but not hard nor soggy. The TEXTURE of these beans are perfect and is what they call 'Just Right!'.
Kampung Cina Bun (from KT's Kampung Cina) with White Coconut.
Can go sell around houses deee. *horns honk into your earlobes*
I believe these are f*cking awesome too cuz I heard some guests orgasm-screamed when they bit through these buns; but what a shame I was too full I missed out this one! In the end I don't know where they all went and never knew what's stuffed inside... ))))):
KT Pulut Liper (Leper). Taste and texture wise better than the ori ones sold at KT because they kedekut inti ikan.
Mangit / Manggis kueh. We don't know why is the name as such. I don't see any resemblance of it to mangosteen but yes - Inside these pillows stuffed naked green beans' paste! Pardon me I forgot what's that called in a single word.
KT Kueh Bantern. Julian's favourite.
Oh. My. God. This one. Kuih Puteri Mandi and Hokkien Alkaline Kueh!! Eat dee feels like a Hokkien Princess bathing in Sugar wtf~
Kuih Tai Tai; a Nyonya delicacy with sauce. Eat dee feels like Tan Kim Hock's wife.
Again, all these were hand made by mom herself. Sigh~ I just feel like I have to sigh for her. If you (ever) are starting to feel tired reading this, mom must have felt 50 times worse. And if you think this list ends here, your middle name must be Silly.Cuz HOW can we NOT have a BIRTHDAY CAKE in a BIRTHDAY PARTY?!?!?!
Mom took this recipe book and showed it to Julian for him to choose his fav birthday cake design. You know which one he picked? ha ha ha...
Julian is quite 'uncle' for his age. He didn't go for the colorful ones. He picked the black one. TWICE!! lol~
And mom made it. American Chocolate Cake. Isn't it a 100% ALIKE?! OMG!!!
Uncle Quek lighting up the candle...
Here is a short and sweet simple Happy Birthday video of us singing baby Jules a birthday song:
Cutie I miss You!!!
Blowing candles...
~*~ Kiddo group picture! ~*~
Superwoman Supermom made some MORE cakes. This time, it is Cupcakes! You won't believe your eyes.....
I'm not picky at all when it comes to food; but having a mom THIS awesome can't not make you wonder: Why spend so much money on food outside when I can have cleaner, healthier, and BETTER quality food!? I must kidnap mum from dad to live with me here. LOL!
Julian's chocolate selections.
The sunnier, girl-ish cupcakes. Me like!
You know... We were chit chatting, laughing and complaining about how stuffed we were, when suddenly, somebody noticed what Julian was UP TO:Curi-curi eat cupcakes!!! hahaha... so cute how to tahan. He liked them so much he took one for his cousin! No one asked him to do this seriously:
My cute tiny waiter.
Food section is now completed. But before I go, let me share with you some joyously joyful joy-joy pictures:Bought this for Julian boy as his burfday present. Push the dragon into the castle and start inserting the neon colour flags in the holes with your play mates. The moment the dragon jumps / 'wakes up', he or she wins / lose! The last rule is up to you to choose.
Julian wanted to play but he kinda got left out. His cousins sort-of grabbed the castle away from him without any intended pushing. Pooooor fella.
Then he started to play the yellow ball and this time he really got bullied. There's even a video of it but I'm quite lazy to upload it cause this is not a Study Children Psychology Blog.
DING DONG~ A star is here! Who is it?
A new baby girl who is Jule's playmate because she is too young to bully him. rofl~
Jule sayanged her and gave her a peck on the cheek. ^^
Poked her too. @@'
And played the now abandoned ball with lil' missy pink dress.
"DRINK MORE WATER!!!" is what every parents never fail to shout about. Ha Ha.. I can still remember. I certainly still get a lot of that too!
Around early evening, the kids took the fun outside the house to the pool: I gave Julian this Frisbee and he threw it into the pool... )=
Uncle Quek came to the rescue! *fish, fish it out! Which kid doesn't love the pool.
Even I love the pool. And I love children too. ^^ That's why I have so many pictures of them. XD
Here's the last part to this post. Julian's birthday was also the same day my article came out in Star Metro that Saturday:HeHe..
Now give a BIG round of APPLAUSE to my MOM!!!!!